AUG. 14 -18
Los Angeles
“Human Rights: A Unified Vision for Equity and Justice”
Thank you for joining us for the IAOHRA 2022 Annual Conference, Los Angeles !
Additional conference information, handouts, presentations, and other materials available soon. Send post conference questions to iaohra@sso.org.
“Human Rights: A Unified Vision for Equity and Justice”
The Sheraton Grand Los Angeles | Aug. 14-18
Conference Program | Conference Agenda
Conference Presentations/ Resources
A Leg Up With Glamputee: Joyfully Jumping into Disability Justice, Alex Locust, M.S.
Access to Capital as a Human Right in Black & Brown Communities
Mark Pinsky, Founding Partner, CDFI Friendly America
Déjà Thomas, Program Manager, UCLA Center for Racial Equity -
(CARE), UCLA Labor Center
An LA Countywide Anti-Hate Initiative Building A Safe, Inclusive LA County, A program of the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations & LA County Board of Supervisors
BIG: LEAP Program (Basic Income Guaranteed; Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot, Celest Rodriguez, Los Angeles County Human Relations
CA vs. Hate Resource Line and Network: Reversing the Rise in Hate Violence: Models for Government/Community Partnership in Building an Anti-Hate System
California Reparations Task Force
LA Civil Rights Conference: The Process is Product: Operationalizing Equity in Human Rights Agencies Through Processes, Programs, and Services, Ronnell Hampton, M.A. Prinicpal Equity Strategist
Constructive Candid Conversations
We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations that Matter by Celeste Headlee
Session Overview: “At its best, conversation is a potent force for good. But when it goes wrong,
that force can be equally damaging, equally harmful.”
DEI vs. Human Relations: Building a Business Case for Your Success, Anthony W. Wade, PhD., SHRM-CP, PHR
Employment Discrimination Legal Update, Anna Park, EEOC, Los Angeles District Office
Freedom to Discriminate: How Realtors Conspired to Segregated Housing and Divide America, Gene Slater
Government-Led and Community-Oriented Collaborations for Undoing Systemic Racism, D'Artagnan Scorza, PhD., Executive Directory, Racial Equity, LA County's Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (ARDI) Initiative
Human Rights Implications of the Criminalization of Homelessness, Shayla Myers, Sr. Attorney, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Meeting the Moment: Understanding Our Origins to Activate Our Communities, Manjusha P. Kulkarni, AAPI Equity Alliance
Mining the Data: Algorithmic Bias Housing, Lisa Rice, National Fair Housing Aliance
Reconceptualizing Urban Inequality: Re-Imagining Equity: Human Centric Housing Markets, Junia Howell, UIC Department of Sociology
Restorative Justice: An Alternative to Punitive Discipline, Gerald Kuhn, City of Omaha Rights & Relations Commission
The Color of Wealth in Los Angeles: Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, UCLA Asian American Studies Center
Conference Handouts, Reports, and Other Resources
2020 Hate Crime Report
Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations
Pandemic, Protests, and the Presidential Race
Redefining Policing With Our Community, A Collaborative Report from the Testimony of Los Angeles County Residents and Stakeholders, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations